12 Dec

The ketogenic diet, also known as the keto diet, is popular among athletes to burn fat and lose weight quickly, without compromising muscle mass.

It consists of reducing the intake of carbohydrates as much as possible (bread, pasta, legumes, cereals...) and increasing the intake of fats and proteins keto supplements.

Typically, carbohydrates make up between 45% and 65% of your daily calorie intake. In the case of the ketogenic diet, the proportions change: around 75% of daily calories come from lipids.

It is a strict diet that is not recommended for everyone , and it also requires a period of adaptation when radically changing habits.

For example, it is recommended for people who are overweight, diabetic , or who want to improve their metabolic health, as in the case of athletes.

How does the keto diet work?The goal of the diet is to enter a state called ketosis . The body normally uses carbohydrates, from carbohydrates, as a source of energy.

When we are in ketosis, we use fat as our primary energy source. It is a process similar to fasting, and it manages to mobilize the body's fat reserves to use them as a source of energy.

In other words: all foods rich in carbohydrates and sugars are replaced with fat and a small amount of protein.

Advantages and disadvantages of the keto diet 

Like all diets, it has certain advantages and also disadvantages that must be taken into account before making changes to our diet.

Changing from a normal diet (rich in carbohydrates) to a keto diet generates some resistance on the part of the body , which can cause discomfort. We must assess the extent to which discomfort is part of the process.

The safest thing is to consult a nutritionist and/or dietician to evaluate the need for a keto diet in our case and adapt it to our particular circumstances.

The main advantages of following a keto diet:

Improves muscle mass.

No calorie counting or portion control required.

Favorably improves intestinal flora.

Controls appetite, as it produces a satiety effect.

Helps lose weight (body fat) Helps control cholesterol.

Reduces risk factors in some diseases (for example, effectiveness has been demonstrated in the case of migraines, type II diabetes, etc.).

Helps reduce oxidative stress.

The drawbacks of the ketogenic diet:

It is difficult to adapt it to veganism or vegetarianism.

It may present some side effects, such as the so-called keto flu.

Some people point out that it makes breath worse.

It can cause vitamin and mineral deficiency states if not done well.

Reducing carbohydrates can be harmful to organs such as the liver, which needs sugar to perform some of its functions.

Some people may become irritable due to increased ketone bodies.

In the case of having a history of Eating Disorder (Eating Disorder), it can lead to a state of malnutrition.

What foods are allowed and prohibited?

No bread, no pasta, no potatoes, no rice. Neither legumes nor cereals. No carbohydrates, and then what do I eat?

The foods allowed on a keto diet can be divided into three large groups: lipids or good fats , proteins and vegetables. Some fruits in small proportions are also allowed.

For example, it is usually common to consume oily fish, white meat, coconut and olive oils, avocado, starch-free vegetables , etc.

In addition, it is common to take supplements suitable for ketogenic diets that help us supplement deficiencies .
There is a wide variety of dishes and recipes that can be made with the keto diet that are very creative, appetizing and, at the same time, healthy.

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