08 Aug

Instagram is evolved to revolutionize the social media marketing services and photo sharing. Its utility enhances with the photo view enabling to desire group, stopping unwanted comments as well as preloading, saving image after posting, adding hashtag in comment, turning sound on and off, saving it without posting and many more buy instagram comments.

You don’t need to carry your handy cams and other camera for capturing your precious moments in snapshots. Smartphones and iPhones have swiped them. It’s very convenient to click while having a sip of your coffee or dressed up for your party. The shutterbug in you has smartphone to click and instagram to share it among your friends.

The discovery of 2010, i.e. ‘instagram’, had introduced this revolutionary evolution. And it rules today. Amazing! Isn’t it? Social handles, like Facebook, Twitter, give a proper platform to let you share your instagram clicks. It is proving as revolutionary for social media marketing services India. The recent update is rocking as ‘Instagram video’ which is like a miniature of YouTube channel. For making your instagram experience outstanding, you can use the given below amazing tricks:

1. Let only selected people can see your pics: If you want only selected group of 15 or less would watch your pics, choose the option to ‘Direct’ it. The recipients can comment but your pics will not flash in search or can be deleted.

Steps to ‘direct’ instagram pics:

Upload your photo.

Move to the top of the screen and tap on the ‘Direct’ option.

Click on search to select the people to share with.

Click on ‘Send’.

2. How to ignore users’ posts: If want to escape the unwanted comments from your friends’ list, instagram avails you the option to ignore the comment from the chosen friend in the list.

Steps to ignore user’s posts:

Move the cursor to the tray icon on the right at the top of Home page.

Three dots will appear (horizontally on iPhone and vertically on Android users)

Select the “Ignore all posts from this user”. 

3. Let you hide/ remove the tagged photo: The photo in which you are tagged are included in your photo gallery. If someone tags you to any objectionable picture, you can either hide or remove that picture.

Steps to hide/remove the tagged photos:

Click on the photo.

Go and tap the username.

Select the ‘Hide from my profile’ option.

In order to remove ‘you’ from the tag, click on ‘More Option’ button.

Select the ‘Remove me from Photo’ option.

4. How to filter without posting on instagram: If you don’t want to post your picture, you can use substitute of it.

Steps to filter without posting pic on instagram:

Go to your phone settings and set it on ‘airplane mode

’Now, carry on the normal steps of uploading.

Select “Share” option. Ignore the message of “failed”.

Click on “Delete” for removing unshared photo.

The pic will be saved to your phone’s gallery automatically.

5. Let you stop people from knowing the location: The location information of each clicked snapshot is saved as the GPS data. It will automatically be appeared in your ‘Photo Map’.

Steps to remove photo from ‘Photo Map’ and to escape the information of location:

Go to the ‘Photo Map’ directly.

Click on ‘Edit’ on the top right of the window.

Select the photo to get the ‘Geotags’ be deleted. (For removing the location) 

Select “Not to add the location at all” through review process.

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